Steamy Windows

With the cold weather upon us, the windows of our cars begin to fog up much quicker from the abundance of talking with friends and warm breath having nowhere to escape. If you've parked up for a quick McDonalds or Costa, by the time you've finished and ready to set off again, chances are you're hardly going to be completely misted up!

Some motorists can be quite lazy when it comes to ensuring they have ample vision to drive safely, which includes personal leasing and business leasing customers. There's plenty of photographs in the news of motorists who only clear a tiny hole on their windshield when it's icy or snowy. Well, they're the exact same when it comes to their steam up windows.

This is often justified by their journey only being short, or that it'll clear once they're on the move, but the risk of an accident still remains. Having a blocked view of the road can lead to a £100 on-the-spot fine if the police catch you, however this can rise to as high as £1,000 should you try to appeal the fine through the court and are found guilty.

As well as restricting visibility, steamed up windows can also create a distraction for motorists, usually in the form of keeping an eye on those to seek to draw a doodle on the misted up window.


As a child, doodling on car windows was one of the few ways to keep occupied on long journeys, in between asking "are we there yet?" of course. When you get older, your time is either spent playing Banksy on a misty bus window or shouting at your mates in the back seat of your car for drawing more... Freudian-esque symbols on the fogged up windows. But why is doodling such an appealing pastime anyway? And does the type of doodle you draw have any significance or deeper meaning? Well, that's what we're going to explore in this article!

Heart Doodles
Heart Doodles

Why do people doodle?

Doodling is fun, in the same way that any drawing or art form is fun. It's creatively stimulating and allows us to express our subliminal thoughts - they're not exactly works of art though, but instead a more temporary form.

What are the different reasons for doodling?

According to graphology expert Tracey Trussell of, doodling arises when we are trying to process difficult emotions, looking for a distraction to fritter away time or we're simply just bored!

Regardless of the reason, doodles reveal:

  • Repressed emotions
  • Negative feelings
  • Unconscious thoughts
  • Personality traits
  • Basic needs, fears and phobias
  • Deep secrets
  • Creativity
  • Light-bulb, Eureka moments
doodle shapes
doodle shapes

Is there any difference between why kids and adults doodle?

Adults tend to doodle when they're concentrating really hard on something else and not really thinking about what they're doing, equally, they'll also doodle when feeling stressed and trying to relax, as doodling is a form of mindfulness.

Children are still going through different developmental stages, so their doodles can vary. One of the most common forms of doodling is simple shapes, such as Circles, Squares, Stars and Triangles. Each shape is associated with a different element of self expression.


Circles are all about emotion and feelings. These are drawn by sociable, playful, friendly children. One single circle can reveal independence, or lonliness. A large circle shows confidence.


Squares are like building blocks - they symbolise security. The doodler is likely to be practical and constructive, well organised and conventional, and they want to see results for their efforts.


Stars are idealistic - they represent our hopes and dreams.


Triangles are adventurous and daring and ambitious. They're competitive people. It's also a sign of aggression and anti-social behaviour.

Star Doodle
Star Doodle